Getting Help for Your Addiction

Getting Help for Your Addiction

Are you female? Do you suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If so, then we outline the various options you may explore in order to free yourself and your family from addiction. We outline a mixture of inpatient and outpatient treatment options that fit in with your lifestyle. This content is primarily written for the benefit of people living in the United Kingdom, however, the general principles we outline are sound no matter where you live in the World, particularly if you live in an English speaking country.

If you suffer from addiction, the idea of getting over your addiction may seem like an impossible dream. However, with the right help and care, getting over your addiction and then staying in recovery is well within your reach.

The first step to getting clean is overcoming denial. You must face up to the fact that you have a problem and admit that you need help. Only then will you be ready to reach out for help. However, it’s equally true that you can be successful even if you are compelled to enter a treatment programme, perhaps by your parents, partner or the law.

The most effective way of getting clean from drugs and alcohol is to attend a rehabilitation centre. In the United Kingdom, there exist rehabilitation programmes specifically for women. This allows you to undergo treatment and discuss topics that you may feel uncomfortable doing so in the presence of men.

When you join a treatment programme at a rehabilitation centre, you will benefit from 24/7 medical support. This is particularly important as you attempt to overcome the physical symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal. This is generally known as the detoxification process, and you will be supplied with prescription medications to assist you through your detoxification. Addiction is essentially a medical problem, a detoxification aims to tackle the issues as such.

During rehabilitation, you also receive intensive therapy sessions. These seek to overcome the emotional causes of addiction. The key here is to rebuild your strength from an emotional standpoint. This is important for prolonged or even lifelong recovery. During therapy sessions, you will gain a better understanding of why you became addicted to drugs and alcohol in the first place. With these emotional weaknesses removed or minimised, you will begin to believe that you really can live a happy and fulfilling life without drugs and alcohol.

Addiction is considered to be a disease of the brain. To treat addiction, it’s important to address the neurobiological causes of addiction. Whilst you cannot direct treat these causes, you can better contain them by merely becoming aware of how the brain is altered when you become addicted to drugs and alcohol. To provide you with this knowledge, you will take part in educational workshops during your rehab treatment.

When to seek treatment for addiction

When the need for addiction treatment becomes apparent, it’s important to seek out treatment as soon as is practically possible. Why? Because addiction causes numerous damage to your health, relationships, finances and career. Seeking out treatment without delay helps you minimise this damage.

When should you consider seeking out addiction treatment?

Below we list some of the signs that mean you should really consider seeking out addiction treatment without delay:

  • You are unable to control your life without using drugs or alcohol
  • You begin to use drugs and alcohol when it is reckless to do so, for instance when you drive or when you are at work
  • Your tolerance to drugs and alcohol have risen
  • You lie to your loved ones about your drink and drug use
  • You commit crimes as a result of your drink and drug use

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